Nostalgic for Autumn.
7:48 AMSummer is nice. Really it is. I actually anticipate it's arrival almost immediately after Christmas. I love lazy days spent by the pool reading, piling clothes and food into the car and hitting the open road, laying out on the beach drinking ice cold beverages, and spending afternoons on the porch reading with the wind blowing around me. Summer is magical. It's holding hands on piers and gazing up at the stars at night time. It's remembering how you felt as a child when it was merely July, and school seemed light years away.
I always end up feeling disappointed with summer however. For some reason, for the past few years, the magic just isn't there. Maybe it's because my boyfriend and I are apart. Maybe it's because my friends are all spread out, or because my parents are working. Maybe it's because I don't have little kids around to share it with. Whatever the reason, it has left me wanting.
Hence why I find myself longing for Autumn days. For cool, crisp mornings outside with the smell of pine trees around me. For cool sweaters and warm boots, warm coffee, and long novels. For baking and knitting, and crafting and living. I feel more alive in Autumn. More myself. Throughout the rest of the year, I always find myself longing for Autumn days. Autumn nights. I long for crunchy leaves under my feet. For the sound of the doorbell and trick or treaters. For movie nights. For family. For the profound 'awakeness' I feel during the Autumn months.
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