Frequently Asked Questions...

I try my very, very best to answer all emails or comment questions, but here are the most frequently asked for your reference!

How can I get ahold of you?
The best way to reach me is at dearmeganmaria (at) gmail.com.
What Kind of Cameras and Lenses do you use/own?
I am in by no means a professional photographer (yet), but I do love documenting my life. Currently I am using a Nikon D60. For a zoom lens I use my Nikon 18-135mm lens, but my favorite lens is my Nikon 35mm 1:1.8G lens (it gets better lighting, is great for facial photography and is super light and easy to carry!
What is your degree in?
Education and School Psychology.
Can you share some tips for a successful relationship?
#1 rule of a relationship: it is a full time job. It takes work (nothing comes easy in this world unfortunately)! But when you love someone, it's easy to put in the work, because the reward is so great! Jimmy & I both try to be selfless, gracious, and always listen to each other and what we need. No, it's not always that simple, & we have our bad days like everyone else, but I think the fact that he is my best friend in this world, and that we can laugh at ourselves helps tremendously. I also think since we both try our best to understand each other (and not just blow up at each other) in every aspect of our life helps us in many ways. Relationships need mutual respect, appreciation, and honesty. You should always stick up & say what you want, but give in a little bit too, unless it compromises yourself and your morals. If anyone ever tries to change you, they are not the person for you. Remember that you are two separate souls, who were raised differently, and have different points of you. You don't always have to agree on the little things, it's the big lifestyle choices that you need to agree on: how to raise your kids, where to live, ect. Remember this will be the father/mother of your children, if you don't want this person raising your child, or you don't want a son/daughter exactly like them, it's time to leave.
I always try to keep these things in mind:

  • Always listen no matter what. It's never okay to blow your partner off.
  • If you're having an argument give each other a kiss, share your love, and go to sleep - things will look better in the morning. Promise.
  • Compliment each other every day. You love this person, don't keep your loving thoughts to yourself, share 'em. And even better, share them in public around his/her family & friends. 
  • Hold hands in public, kiss for a second longer than is socially acceptable, and never stop looking for your next adventure.
  • Agree to Disagree.
  • Always pay attention to their interests (even if you have no idea what they're talking about), because it's important to them.
  • Never give up. Fix your relationship, if you can, don't throw it away.
**with this being said, if your partner is verbally, physically, or emotionally abusing you, that is never ok! I don't care how much you love them, or if you think they're are going to change. One instance of abuse is enough, and it's time to leave. If you know of someone who has been affected by spousal (or partner) abuse, please make sure they are getting help).
You're very passionate about breast cancer awareness and fundraising! Why and what have you done?
My aunt spent the last decade of her life struggling and coping and being eaten away by breast cancer. It was so har dot watch her go through. I am very passionate about raising awareness and finding a cure. I walked in the Susan G. Komen 60 mile 3 day walk in September of 2011. She fought and was in pain every day. This was something I could do to pay homage to her and remind myself how much a soul is capable of doing for good. You can read about my journey here.
Why do you always share your point of views so blatantly?
Because this is my blog, and I'm passionate about what I believe in. Passion is good, it drives us all.
How do you go about advertising? Can I host a giveaway? Can I send you a product to review?
Please email me about advertising opportunities.

**I love reading all your comments, but please keep your comments respectful and absent of discrimination. I am an LGBTQ safe blog, as well as a feminist, and and a lover-not-a-fighter. Comments that are disrespectful, untruthful, or cause arguments will be deleted.
