It's time to talk about:

8:59 PM

guilty pleasure shows. I don't actually have a lot of them. I love TV, but I don't count Mad Men, and Game of Thrones as guilty pleasure shows.

However, as of late, I have become obsessed with Dance Moms. Yes, I know, 'how can you watch those catty moms yell at each other?' Let me just say I have been in the dance world since the age of 7 and I have seen it all. I have been told the same things that dance teacher has told those girls, I have seen moms fight, and I have had just as many wardrobe malfunctions.

I love this show, the girls are fierce, and I am not ashamed to call it my guilty pleasure show!

What about you followers? Any guilty pleasure shows? Something you just need to watch every week, but you're ashamed to talk to your friend's about? Haha! I know it can't be only me!

I'll be seeing you,

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