Babies & The Telly.
7:45 AMI can't say how I will raise my children in the future. Things come up, and I'm sure I'll improv a lot as I go (sort of like life). However, there's a couple things that I won't compromise on; having a home birth, always taking my kids on vacations, and not letting them have prolonged media exposure before they are two years old
Yes, I know?! Gasp. Sigh. This girl knows nothing about the hardships of raising children. You ARE right, I don't have kids yet, but I DO know how hard it is. I've also read countless studies on how TV (as well as video games) can affect how children think and reason for the rest of their lives (read this article). And I, for one, just don't want them to be in front of the TV that much while growing up. This actually includes the first 12 years of their lives.
Yes, I watched TV when I was younger. Was it monitored as to how much? To a certain extent yes it was. My memories don't just include television shows I watched.
All I'm trying to say it. There can always be too much of a good thing. I want to play games with my children, take them outside, sing with them, play dress up, have them grow up healthy and wholesome...
but that's what every parent wants right?